September 30, 2020

Lives Petty Annoyances and Why We Should Get Rid of them.

Lives Petty Annoyance and Why We Should Get Rid of them.


’Blistering barnacles’

Who remembers Captain Haddocks curses from TinTin?

I used to find it downright funny, still do.

But wait a minute, what are barnacles?

I don’t know whether you know or have heard of barnacles.

Barnacles are those little creatures that love living on the surface of sea vessels especially ships.

They are great on rocks but not on ships.

(Just to be specific, for those who love details, Barnacles ,balanus glandula, are sticky little crustaceans related to crabs, lobsters, and shrimps)

They start as one then grow to be so many eventually they start weighing the vessel down,

According to NOAPP, “Large barnacle colonies cause ships to drag and burn more fuel, leading to significant economic and environmental costs. The U.S. Navy estimates that heavy barnacle growth on ships increases weight and drag by as much as 60 percent, resulting in as much as a 40 percent increase in fuel consumption!”

I know, right.

Mind blowing.

Grrh!, the poor big ships have to be taken out of water to be scrapped off or painted with special paint. 

Now do this, picture your life, like literally.

Have you got any petty annoyances?

For most of us most definitely YES.

Petty annoyances are those tiny little things in a our lives that we tolerate but then eventually, sooner or later, they start draining our energy (reason why sometimes a lot of us procrastinate, story for another day). 

It could be anything.

It could be that cupboard you keep saying and mean to declutter or may be that button that fell off your lovely outfit, every time you want to look a million dollar, you pick it up, try it on but damn! 

Every single time you pick it up and remember that you can’t wear it unless you sort it then it annoys. 

I personally have a dress that I keep to date, it is too precious to bin and too annoying to keep.

Barnacles matter.

Everything matters.

It matters.

if you are like most of us you will start creating a loop from hell, pick up, annoyed, put back annoyed that you haven’t sorted it, then annoyed at yourself for being too lazy and too busy, yada! yada! yada!, you get it. 

Petty annoyances could be anything to us.

So, here is your homework.

Write down a list of all your most petty ‘ignorable’ annoyances in your life, be it that lightbulb you haven’t fixed, be it that broken chair all of it write it down.

Then work through them steadily and see how much lighter you feel.

Don’t stress about those you can’t solve yet…

…or control if it involves changing other people or your environment.

If you need more help and information feel free to chat to us we have a lovely great team of dedicated individuals who will listen to you and try to help.

Don’t forget to share with your friends.





NOAA website.

Wikipedia definitions.

Life Coach by T.M

Photo credits: Greg Nunes.

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  1. Luiza
    6 October, 2020

    I love the reference to blistering barnacles….never would have thought of it that way….I actually never got to know what it means 🙈😂

    • Nicolle Hanselmann
      6 October, 2020

      It used to be the worst case word we could possibly use as kids, so I never occurred to us to figure out what it actually meant.
      Thanks for your comment.

  2. Kelvin
    7 October, 2020

    Ohhhh my !!! The little things i have that i always push away !!!! I think mine are the most in everyone else… I’ll make the bed later , come back in the evening and am tired and can’t make my bed… I’ll wash the dishes later – one week later they are still in the sink… My Ship is literally sinking … It’s full of barnacles …

    • Nicolle Hanselmann
      3 November, 2020

      Has anything improved now? Have u sorted some of your barnacles?

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