October 29, 2020

Revenge is a Dish Never Served.

Revenge is a Dish Never Served.

She Wanted to Hire Someone.

In one of my youtube videos I shared my story on how I got fleeced by family.

That story got a lot of my friends tell me some of theirs own experiences. I realised how mine was just child play.

I will make it into a 4 part weekly series, we can learn a thing or two from the stories, all I will do is change their names for obvious reasons.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.


She has been away from home for nearly two decades but she can’t wait to get home for unusual reasons. She can’t wait to get home to teach her conning family a lesson. She is so anxious and using her own words “ I am contemplating on hiring a man with a machete”. 

Today, I will share Lisa’s story.

Lisa is an East African diaspora in her 40s and lives with her husband Ben in the UK, they have no children together.

Nothing came easy for her, the only constant in her life was her resilience. Lisa had spent most of her resources battling her immigration status. During this period it had always been work for her. Travelling was a big risk of never being allowed back into the country. Just like it is expected of her, she would deprive herself of wants to help her family, this meant miss family but just keep working for them.

The gods found favour in her and gave her a loving man, which also helped speed up her citizenship and improved their finances, they are doing well.

Prior to that she had managed to save and send home over £12,000 towards her dream red-bricked house, complete with a verandah and garage, the works. It was her back up plan or could serve as her retirement home. Bear in mind, this money was aside from the monthly recurring upkeep she would send to her family.

Lisa has a close sister that she trusted. It made sense for the sister to oversee the building works. 

Whist her dream home was underway, she also managed to pay for her brother’s course, operation of a crane course, something of that sort. A handy course that could help him and others around him.

Hate or love technology. 

One beautiful day driving to work she received a phone call, using her handsfree, she answered. It was a whistleblower. She almost fainted from the call, behind the wheel. She had to pull over to the kerb. The person then asked her to check her WhatsApp as she was about to send to her some photos.

Lo! and behold.

Her brother preferred holidaying with his wife rather than studying. Leather bags were more appealing than cranes. He’s newly furnished home better than manoeuvring some middle aged equipment. Who wants to improve their lives anyway if it can come easily? Her red-brick home? Take a guess.

Forgiving is a big ask. But a necessary one too. We do it for ourselves. You cannot take poison and hope the other person dies. Look after your mental wellbeing. Always put your gas mask on first before helping others.

Unforgiveness is like drinking poison yourself and waiting for the other person to die.

Marianne Williamson

I found that in my story, I will share the link below, forgiving helped me heal and sleep well. 

Bearing hate, grudge, and being angry or resentful is a huge energy drain that could affect other areas of your life as well block off your blessings.

It takes great courage to forgive especially where money is involved. Always forgive anyway.

Don’t let the past weigh you down. Forgive. Go ahead and call people you have wronged or have wronged you and ask for forgiveness, then watch yourself shade some pounds of weight, instantly. 




Link to my story https://youtu.be/qoU7mA8jS5c


If you need someone to talk to, about anything else or more about forgiveness, please do get in touch we respond to all emails.


Photo by Markus Spiske pexel.com

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  1. andre
    4 November, 2020

    hi nicolle,
    you re doing a great job, giving people a chance to learn from real lifestories.

    • Nicolle Hanselmann
      5 November, 2020

      Thank you, they say experience is the best teacher, I say it is not the only teacher so I am happy to earn from others.

      • Mary Ndirangu
        5 November, 2020

        They say you fake it until you get it…i will start step by step…

  2. Mary Ndirangu
    5 November, 2020

    Forgiving is not easy for me….any tips or its just a decision i need to make?

    • Nicolle Hanselmann
      5 November, 2020

      It is not easy for some people. Start small with the little things. This blog will be a series I hope it does help. Otherwise I will send you some tools that help. I hope you do meditate Mary.

      • Mary Ndirangu
        5 November, 2020

        Alright i will try it out…thanks

  3. Tanesha
    5 October, 2021

    It’s difficult to find well-informed
    people about this subject, however, you sound like you know
    what you’re talking about!

    • Mary Ndirangu
      6 October, 2021

      Happy to hear that and thanks for your comment

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