Physical Health
Dont rely on supplements to boost your immunity, diet is key
Sadly, too many of us don’t eat enough of the fresh fruits, vegetables and other foods we need to keep…
Sports as an instrument for improving health
Engaging in sport has multiple health benefits. Physical activity can reduce the risk of dying prematurely from noncommunicable diseases as…
How can exercise improve a chronic condition?
If you have a chronic condition, regular exercise can help you manage symptoms and improve your health. Aerobic exercise can…
Mental Health
The Wanderer and Death
On the subject of fear, a little story from the net. It fits the current situation: "Death is sitting outside…
Due to the tense situation worldwide, triggered by the corona crisis. Psychotherapists are currently experiencing a strong increase in therapy…
We Have Lived to See December- Be Grateful.
December rocks We can disagree in a lot of things but come on! Even you have to admit that December…
"Never try to force others to change; leave them free to change naturally and systematically because they want to; and…
Sometimes it is better to focus on one thing at a time so that you can focus all your energy…
Machen Sie es zu einer täglichen Gewohnheit, jedes Ereignis in Ihrem Leben durch Ihre Gedanken im Voraus zu bestimmen. Stellen…
Arguments on why that meat on your plate is a case of Animal Abuse
First of all I don't think this is a question of discussion... It's a point blank! But for those who…
Cats or dogs?
That question is out of order... infact animals just like human being each has a unique single signature of which…
True wealth
A rich father wanted his son to know what it means to be poor and took him to stay with…